Sunday, October 28, 2012

Twitter Account

Creating a twitter account was not something I considered doing because I already have Facebook and do not do a whole lot of communicating on it anymore.  I am more consumed with my education, work, and people in my life.  I understand the benefits of following Twitter, I just don't think I will really use it outside of school and viewing sport statistics. 

Making an account was not difficult; however, it asked me to follow five people before I could start.  This made it difficult because I could not think of who I wanted to add.  I tried looking up people that I know that have one and could not find them.  It may be useful in the classroom once we find everyone to follow.  I am not sure I am comfortable with everyone having access to my twitter feeds.  It will be interesting to see what comes out of this experience.


  1. Yea i agree that i don't really like everybody having access to my twitter feeds either. I don't really use Facebook much anymore either but i don't think any social network can distract someone from friends or education unless you become addicted to it and I cant see how that is possible. lol. I use it a good amount straight from my phone, it makes it simple and easy to stay mobile and do what i would normally do in my life and tweet whenever i feel like it.

    1. Trust me, I have family members that go on facebook first thing when they get home. I use to feel that way about myspace when it was popular. However, I think it was because I was a teenager that had nothing better to do.

  2. im am not comfortable with my feeds being public either. also that "must follow 5 people" thing was rather annoying and blunt. i found a way around it (go back to the base twitter site) however the fact that they force you at all is a major turn off...

    1. Yes, my sister showed that to me because I did not think it was important. Maybe I only wanted to follow 4 people.

  3. I had trouble finding people to follow too so it seemed to take me a long time to set my account up. I was trying to rack my brain for things that I might be semi interested in enough to deal with those feeds for the duration of the time that I have an account.
    And I too use my social networks on my phone. I really don't use them much at all, and never did prior to the applications. But now it is handy to have it when I have a bit of down time.

  4. For me, I do not have a logical reason for using twitter often because I do not have internet on my phone. Therefore, it is just another thing I have to log onto on the computer. It is also another thing that requires a password, e-mail, and name.
